28th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling

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28th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling
5-8 April 2022, Qui Nhon, Vietnam

MMM is now a B-ranked conference!

We are pleased to welcome you to the 28th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling between 5-8 April, 2022 in Qui Nhon, Vietnam. MMM is a leading international conference for researchers and industry practitioners for sharing new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all MMM related areas. The conference invites new scientific contributions and brave new ideas in the multimedia retrieval area. The exciting programme will consist of leading invited speakers, presentations of accepted papers and poster/demo sessions, along with a number of themed special sessions highlighting research on emerging trends in the field. In addition, the 11th Video Browser Showdown will take place during the welcome reception where teams will compete in VBS arena for extra prizes. We look forward to welcoming you to Vietnam in 2022.


Full Paper Submissions

September 13 2021

Demo & Video Browser Showdown Submissions

September 23 2021


October 25 2021


November 15 2021


ACM ICMR Workshop 2020

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Welcome to ACM ICMR Workshop 2020 
June 8th, Dublin, Ireland

Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval

Call for papers

Currently, people can collect data from themselves and their surrounding environment quickly due to the exponential development of sensors and communication technologies and social networks. The ability to collect such data opens the new opportunity to understand better the association between human beings and the properties of the surrounding environment. These associations can be utilized for intelligence, planning, controlling, retrieval, and decision making efficiently and effectively by governments, industries, and citizens. Wearable sensors, lifelog cameras, and social networks can report people’s health, activities, and behaviors by the first-view perspective while surrounding sensors, social networks interaction, and third-party data can give the third-view perspective of how their society activities look like. Several investigations have been done to deal with each perspective, but few investigations focus on how to analyze and retrieve cross-data come from different perspectives to bring better benefits to human beings. The target of the workshop is to attract researchers to work on the intelligent cross-data analysis and retrieval to bring the smart sustainable society to human beings. The domain of the research can vary from wellbeing, disaster prevention & mitigation, mobility, to food computing, to name a few.

Example topics of interest include but is not limited to the following

  • Event-based cross-data retrieval
  • Data mining and AI technology to discover and predict spatial-temporal-semantic correlations between cross-data.
  • Complex event processing for linking sensors data from individuals, regions, to broad areas dynamically.
  • Transfer Learning from one region to another region to construct or customize similar analysis and prediction of events using locally-collected data effectively and efficiently.
  • Hypotheses Development of the associations within the heterogeneous data contributes towards building good multimodal models that make it possible to understand the impact of the surrounding environment on human beings at the local and individual scale.
  • Realization of a prosperous and independent region in which people and nature coexist.
  • Applications leverage intelligent cross-data analysis for a particular domain.
  • Cross-datasets for Repeatable Experimentation.


  • The goal of the workshop is to attract researchers and experts in the areas of multimedia information retrieval, machine learning, AI, data science, event-based processing and analysis, multimodal multimedia content analysis, lifelog data analysis, urban computing, environmental science, and atmospheric science to tackle the intelligent cross-data analysis issue.
  • The accepted papers are expected to be published in the workshop proceedings. Excellent papers are encouraged to submit to journals or a special issue that will be organized by the organizers.
Link: http://www2.nict.go.jp/bidal/icdar_icmr2020/index.html

Hội nghị Khoa học trẻ và hội nghị NCS 2019

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Năm nay, có 2 điểm mới:
1. Thời gian tổ chức hội nghị sẽ dời về 09-10 May - tức là trùng với thời điểm của MAPR 2019. Lý do là để tiết kiệm kinh phí tổ chức và SV, HVHC có cơ hội giao lưu với hội nghị QT.
2. Bài báo ở hội nghị KHT của Trường sẽ được tính điểm NCKH (trước giờ không được tính). Sẽ thông báo ý này để thu hút sự quan tâm của GV.
Trân trọng.

Call for Papers: REV Journal on Electronics and Communications (REV-JEC)

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REV Journal on Electronics and Communications (REV-JEC)
REV Journal on Electronics and Communications (REV-JEC) is a quarterly peer-reviewed research journal, dedicated to providing a leading edge forum for researchers and professionals to contribute and disseminate innovative research ideas and results in the fields of electronics and communications. 
We invite submission of high-quality papers presenting original, previously unpublished, research ideas and results on both theoretical and applied aspects in all areas of electronics and communications. These areas include, but are not limited to, the following topics: Automation and Control, Microwave & Antennas, Communications, Networks, Electronics and Signal Processing.
Prospective authors should submit their manuscript(s) to the REV-JEC submission system at http://rev-jec.org/index.php/rev-jec/login.   Before submission, authors should carefully read over the journal's Instruction for authors, which are located at http://rev-jec.org/index.php/rev-jec/information/authors
It is appreciated if you could share this information with your colleagues and associates.
Best regards,
Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao
Technical Editor-in-Chief
REV Journal on Electronics and Communications (REV-JEC)

Danh sách một số Hội nghị về Công nghệ Thông tin 2018 sắp diễn ra

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1. Hội nghị "The 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS)"

  • Manuscript submission: June 25, 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2018
  • Camera-ready submission: August 30, 2018
  • Website: http://www.nafosted-nics.org/

2. Hội nghị "10th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering" (KSE 2018).

  • Manuscript submission: April 30, 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: July 30, 2018
  • Camera-ready submission: August 15, 2018
  • Website: http://kse-conf.org/

3. Hội nghị FAIR 2018

  • Manuscript submission: May 15, 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2018
  • Camera-ready submission: July 15, 2018

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